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GGL Illuminator 6" Reflector
Illuminator reflector is a medium size hood-reflector. It has 6 inch cooling duct size. Hood case is well built with galvanized steel to protect the reflective alluminum reflector. The Illuminator`s signature is the angled reflector inside that provides a different way of reflecting. Light socket is centered with the cooling ducts, so that achieves maximum cooling. Power cord is wired to the S-shape plug that is ready for the latest digital ballast. Tampered glass panel is fit snuggly in the hinged door of the reflector.
Excessive heat is momentarily trapped by the hood and glass while most of the heat is dragged out by the inline fan. Illuminator reflector is capable of handling the amount of heat that`s generated from these high wattage bulbs. One pair of the heavy duty hangers can support the weight of this reflector.
This reflector is not only perfect for individual horticulture hobbyist, but also capable of lighting commercial green houses.